Saturday, December 30, 2006

What to do in 2007?

Over on her incomparable Slash7 blog, Amy Hoy started a poll asking for help tuning her posts for 2007. I think this is a wonderful idea, and hope everyone runs off to answer them. (If you haven't discovered Slash7 yet, go poke around the site a bit, then answer them.)

Finished answering Amy's questions? Good. I hope you're all warmed up then to answer mine. I'd like to make 2007 a great year for On Ruby by making it a great year for On Ruby Readers. I've got a feel for some of the things that have been popular this year (ahh, the joys of web log analysis), but I'd like to hear your thoughts on how I can make On Ruby a better place for you in the coming year. (Just cut-n-paste these four questions into a comment and add your answers.)

  1. Would you rather see fewer, longer/meatier posts or more shorter ones?
  2. What kind of posts would you like to see more of (interviews, book reviews, code reviews, tutorials, or something entirely different)?
  3. Is there anyone in particular you'd like to see me interview?
  4. What would you like to see change about On Ruby in 2007?

Thanks for taking the time to help out with this. I'm looking forward to reading your answers.


  1. I'm in favour of shorter articles because it takes less time to read one. Maybe it's possible to split the interviews into several parts?

    Anyway, thanks for all the interesting content.

  2. Urban,
    are the serial rubinius interviews the right length?

    I'm glad you've enjoyed my posts in 2006.

  3. Would it be possible to switch your RSS feeds to full-text? That would be very helpful.

  4. Indeed, fulltext Atom (RSS was last century) would be great.

    Long articles are fine, don't feel the urge to split up everything to microthunks.

  5. Yes they are the right length for me.
