Wednesday, May 02, 2007

erubycon Contest

Continuing my happy tradition of letting readers win cool stuff, I have another contest to get started. Before I spill the beans (and tell you what you need to do to win), I’d like to fill in a little bit of background.


Last year, RailsConf and several smaller conferences joined RubyConf on the list of places discriminating rubyists might be found. This year, the regional Ruby conference scene has exploded offering a wealth of opportunities to get together with other ruby-folk and learn about what other people are doing with our favorite language. This summer promises something new though—erubycon. From July 16th until the 18th in Colombus, Ohio attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about using Ruby and Rails in enterprise settings.

Joe O’Brien and graciously put up some erubycon related prizes for a conference contest. All you need to do to enter is write a blog post about how you’re using Ruby or Rails in the enterprise, and post a link to it below. On 1st of June, Joe and I will read through all the entries and pick our favorite three. Our top pick will win free registration to the conference, and the two runners-up will receive erubycon T-Shirts.

Interested? Then get writing!


  1. We're not using ruby in a big way right now, but we have plans.

  2. Pat,

    Here's my post about what I'm doing with Ruby in the Enterprise. Thank you for holding this contest, I think that Ruby has an extremely bright future in the enterprise

    You can find it here.
