Tuesday, April 08, 2008

MWRC 2008

Peter Cooper just announced the availability of the videos from MWRC 2008. He included a quick write-up of several of the talks, and wrapped things up with this:

It seems MountainWest had a really high quality level of talks, so give it a thought when choosing which Ruby events to attend next year.

Pretty high praise indeed. It’s entirely in line with the things I heard from many of the attendees as well, so I think it’s safe to say we have a good thing going here.

Helping organize something like this takes a lot of effort (to be honest though, Mike Moore did the lion’s share of the work). As good as it was, I’m looking forward to not having to worry about it for 6 months or so. That doesn’t mean it’s time to stop thinking about regional Ruby conferences though. There are some great events coming up:

You might even want to pencil in plans to attend MountainWest RubyConf sometime in March next year. I know I want to be there.


  1. I've watched 3 videos already on Confreaks and am in process of watching a fourth one. I do agree that the presentations have been high-quality. It will definitively make it hard for me to choose a Ruby conference for next year.

  2. As much as I'd love to invite everyone to come to MWRC, I think it's important that we all support the conference in our own region. If you're close to something, I'd say make that your first choice.

  3. That's really cool to get high praise from such a popular site. I'm really glad that folks can enjoy the fruits of our hard work. But the real praise shoudl go to the presenters. We were simply facilitators.
