I need to wish the Ruport project a belated “happy birthday”. I turns out that they turned two yesterday, Gregory Brown made the announcement on the ruby-talk list:
Just a quick bit of trivia:
He also mentioned that they’d be making the 41st public release of Ruport to celebrate. This isn’t just a ‘birthday release’ without any added value though. It’s a full on 1.2 release loaded with goodies for the discriminating Ruport user, and a few incompatibilities with the 1.0 version. Some of the major enhancements include:Two years ago today, Ruport 0.1.0 was released on RubyForge.
- Table#sort_rows_by now allows nil objects and allows ascending / descending order
- Table constructors now accept :filters and :transforms Procs
- AAR’s report_table() now accept :filters and :transforms Procs
- Grouping constructor accepts :order, and new Grouping#sort_grouping_by method
- Formatter::PDF#draw_table now exposes column heading formatting options
- Renderers can now be passed :file => “somefile.txt” to save output
- Data::Feeder allows for custom transformations and filters on data
- Grouping#sigma added (Thanks Dave Nelson)
- Formatter::PDF#draw_text! will draw text at an absolute position, ignoring margins
- Formatter::Template provides a simple templating system for renderer options
Congratulations to the whole Ruport team on a good looking 1.2, and on 2 great years. I wish them many happy returns.