Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First Post: VeloSLC: Getting the Ball Rolling

I attended several LISA conferences back in the 90s, and was a member of SAGE for a while, but sort of slid away from the whole thing when I took a turn in the ranks of IT management. When I went back to systems/infrastructure admin/engineering, I never really got back into it.

Then, I read a post by Luke Kanies which suggested that LISA was stagnating and recommended Velocity as a better alternative.

Now, I fondly remember the time I spent at LISA, and the things I learned at the various conferences, but a conference devoted to web performance and optimization seems a lot more focused on what I do. Luke's points that the Velocity has more of a community feel make me want to get on board. So, how best to do that?

I like to think of myself as a community hacker. I helped start the very first Ruby Brigade, I've helped put together Perl Monger groups, and I've helped organize the MountainWest RubyConf. So what would be more natural than trying to start a local Velocity minded group — VeloSLC.

Let's start with a mailing list. As we build to critical mass, we should talk about getting together, maybe over lunch, or one evening a month. If we can develop the interest, a local 1 day conference wouldn't be out of the question. It all needs to start with a conversation though, so let's get the ball rolling.

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