Friday, December 19, 2008

Reading List for the Holidays

I'm not sure I can call the next two weeks the holidays since I'm going to be spending a great deal of time at work, but I hope to get some serious reading in while I'm at it. Here's what's on list.

Hopefully, I'll be chock full of good ideas and armed with new tools in 2009.

What are you reading over the next couple of weeks?


  1. I hope you'll review the Git book. I've sort of had my eye on it and have been wanting to hear what others think.

    I'll be finishing up reading the Rails Way I borrowed from a friend and then going back to reread some of the earlier bits that will probably make more sense now. I'll also get more heavily into the beta PDF of Agile Web Development with Rails.

  2. I hope you like you'll like pragmatic thinking and learning. I had the opportunity to write a review for it (you'll find it in the first page of the book), and my vision of personal development has changed since I read it.
